


Friday, 22nd MARCH

Grupo 5 - 3ºB

  • Student's Book: page 102.
  • Homework: page 110 and 102 (b and c).

Grupo 3 - 2ºA

  • Student's Book: page 28.
  • Homework: page 35 and 36

Thursday, 21st MARCH

Grupo 4 - 2ºB

  • Student's Book, page 130.
  • Homework: study at least the first 4 strophes of the song 'Vincent'.
  • Homework: page 138 and page 227 (9A and 9B)

Grupo 8 - Conversación 2º

  • Hot-button topics: we give opinions about different topics using useful expressions to agree or disagree.
  • Board game: talk about a topic for a minute
  • Homework: using the 'giving opinion' expressions, write an introduction about a controversial topic giving your own opinion about it. We will discuss it in big group during the next lesson.

Wednesday, 20th MARCH

Grupo 2 - 1º

  • Student's Book page 55 and 56
  • Homework: learn the song 'Yesterday' and 

Grupo 6 - Conversación 2º

  • Hot-button topics: we give opinions about different topics using useful expressions to agree or disagree.
  • Homework: using the 'giving opinion' expressions, write an introduction about a controversial topic giving your own opinion about it. We will discuss it in big group during the next lesson.
Grupo 9 - Conversación 2º
  • Hot-button topics: we give opinions about different topics using useful expressions to agree or disagree.
  • Homework: using the 'giving opinion' expressions, write an introduction about a controversial topic giving your own opinion about it. We will discuss it in big group during the next lesson.
Tuesday, 19th MARCH

Grupo 4 - 2ºB

  • Exam correction
  • Student's Book page 129.
  • Homework: pages 136 and 137

Grupo 3 - 2ºA

  • Exam correction
  • Student's Book, page 27
  • Homework: pages 34 and 35

Monday, 18th MARCH

Grupo 5 - 3ºB

  • Birthday celebration.
  • Conversation class: talking about our jobs and lifes. Getting to know each other better.
  • There is NO homework.

Grupo 2 - 1º

  • Exam correction
  • Student's book page 55
  • We start working on the song 'Imagine' (John Lennon). Understand, fill-in the gaps and sing.
  • There is NO homework.

 Grupo 7 - Conversación 1º

  • Trabajamos el vídeo de la semana pasada y el Quizz que colgué para casa.
  • I ask questions for you to answer using adverbs of frequency.
  • Homework: write a short text about your daily routine (half page more or less) using adverbs of frequency (subject + adverb + verb) and expressions of frequency (subject + verb + expression of frequ.).
  • We DO NOT have lessons next Monday 25th March.

Friday, 15th MARCH

Grupo 5 - 3ºB

  • Hacemos la prueba del segundo trimestre: listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing.
  • Homework: a través del enlace, acceder a la prueba online de Grammar & Vocabulary. De poder ser, tenedla lista de aquí al lunes. No pasa nada si necesitáis un día más. Enlace: Grammar and vocabulary test

Grupo 3 - 2ºA

  • Hacemos la prueba del segundo trimestre: listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing.
  • Homework: a través del enlace, acceder a la prueba online de Grammar & Vocabulary. De poder ser, tenedla lista de aquí al martes. Enlace: Grammar and vocabulary test 2A

Thursday, 14th MARCH

Grupo 4 - 2ºB

  • Hacemos la prueba del segundo trimestre: listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing.
  • Homework: a través del enlace, acceder a la prueba online de Grammar & Vocabulary. De poder ser, tenedla lista de aquí al domingo. No pasa nada si no os es posible, tendríais unos días más de margen. Enlace: Enlace prueba Grammar and Vocabulary

Grupo 8 - Conversación 2º

  • Leemos nuestras indicaciones (asking and giving directions) para que el resto de compañeras adivinen hacia dónde las estamos dirigiendo.
  • Working in pairs, we have to give and ask for directions in order to know what are the labels (buildings) missing on the map. Each person has a different photocopy with different gaps.
  • Video you could watch to improve listening skills: DIRECTIONS
  • Listening and gap-pilling activities: Listening comprehension

Wednesday, 13th MARCH

Grupo 2 - 1º

  • Hacemos la prueba del segundo trimestre: listening, speaking, reading comprehension.
  • Homework: a través del enlace, acceder a la prueba online de Grammar & Vocabulary. Tenéis hasta el domingo (incluido) para completarla. Enlace: Acceso prueba

Grupo 6 - Conversación 2º

  • Leemos nuestras indicaciones (asking and giving directions) para que el resto de compañeras adivinen hacia dónde las estamos dirigiendo.
  • Working in pairs, we have to give and ask for directions in order to know what are the labels (buildings) missing on the map. Each person has a different photocopy with different gaps.
  • Video you could watch to improve listening skills: DIRECTIONS
  • Listening and gap-pilling activities: Listening comprehension
Grupo 9 - Conversación 2º
  • Leemos nuestras indicaciones (asking and giving directions) para que el resto de compañeras adivinen hacia dónde las estamos dirigiendo.
  • Working in pairs, we have to give and ask for directions in order to know what are the labels (buildings) missing on the map. Each person has a different photocopy with different gaps.
  • Video you could watch to improve listening skills: DIRECTIONS
  • Listening and gap-pilling activities: Listening comprehension
Tuesday, 12th MARCH

Grupo 4 - 2ºB

  • Student's Book page 128 and Kahoots to review the contents from topics 7 and 8.
  • Homework: study topics 7 and 8 for the exam.

Grupo 3 - 2ºA

  • Student's Book page 26.
  • Homework: study for the exam! Temas 11 y 12 (libro lila),  tema 1 y parte del 2  (libro rojo) hasta donde hemos llegado. El viernes tenemos el speaking y listening (así, si no diese tiempo tendríamos el martes próximo para terminar, incluso pasarle esa parte del examen a quien no haya podido venir este viernes). El mismo viernes (día 15) colgaré un enlace para la parte escrita (gramática y vocabulario). Tendréis hasta el día 19 para hacerlo desde casa y enviármelo.

Monday, 11th MARCH

Grupo 5 - 3ºB

  • Repasamos para la prueba del próximo día (lo hacemos con speaking y Kahoots).
  • Student's Book, SPEAKING page 102.
  • Homework: fichas fotocopiadas con contenidos de los temas del próximo examen, para que podáis repasar. 

Grupo 2 - 1º

  • Trabajamos la formación de frases.
    - Tercera persona con 's' en afirmativo y el auxiliar en negativo y pregunta: 'She eats breakfast / She doesn't eat breakfast / Does she eat breakfast?'.
    - Resto de pronombres personales: 'You eat breakfast / You don't eat breakfast / Do you drink breakfast?'
  • Homework: repasamos lo trabajado en los temas 3, 4 y 5.

 Grupo 7 - Conversación 1º

  • Con el mapa de la última ficha entregada en clase, indicamos cómo llegar a cualquier punto de dicho mapa desde el lugar de partida y el resto de compañeros/as adivinan a qué lugar los estáis dirigiendo. 
  • Trabajo en pareja: cada miembro de la pareja tiene un mapa en el que falta información. No sabemos dónde están ciertos edificios. No preguntamos unos a otros y logramos llegar a dichos lugares dando indicaciones al compañero/a. Cambiamos roles.
  • Activities you could do at home:
    -Actividad para practicar 'prepositions of place': Prepositions of place: quizz
    Video you could watch to improve listening skills: DIRECTIONS
    - Listening and gap-pilling (rellenar los huecos) activities: Listening comprehension

Friday, 8th MARCH

Grupo 5 - 3ºB

  • Student's Book, page 101 (Listening and Speaking).
  • Homework page 109 y repasar temas 5 (comparatives and superlatives), 6 y 7(A y B) para la prueba del día 15 de marzo.

Grupo 3 - 2ºA

  • Student's Book: page 25
  • Homework: page 33 y repasar temas 11 y 12 (libro lila),  tema 1 y parte del 2  (libro rojo) hasta donde hemos llegado para la prueba del día 15 (desde casa writing and reading) y del día 19 (presencial speaking and listening).

Thursday, 7th MARCH

Grupo 4 - 2ºB

  • Student's Book page 121 AND 128 (Vocabulary)

  • Homework: photocopies + review topics 7 and 8 + review verb 'TO GET'.

Grupo 8 - Conversación 2º

  • Role-play the dialogues related to the topics we have seen this school year: two friends are at the airport and do the check-in/security check, then another couple has to catch a taxi and check in at a hotel, other two have to complain about a problem at the hotel room and finally, a traveler plans to go hiking and has to buy some groceries to bring with him.
  • Trabajamos los dos listening de la ficha en clase.
  • Homework: asking and giving directions (you are at the main door of Falla school and have to go to a place, you decide where, giving directions to your classmates. They have to guess where you have brought them).

Wednesday, 6th MARCH

Grupo 2 - 1º

  • Seguimos trabajando las preguntas y respuestas con 'Do you...'?
  • Homework: Aprender los verbos y practicar la pronunciación, page 185

Grupo 6 - Conversación 2º

  • Role-play the dialogues you prepared at home: two friends talk about a trip and plan it, other two friends are at the airport, then another couple has to catch a taxi and check in at a hotel, other two have to complain about a problem at the hotel room and finally, two friends plan to go hiking and have to buy some groceries to bring with them.
  • Homework: asking and giving directions (you are at the main door of Falla school and have to go to a place, you decide where, giving directions to your classmates. They have to guess where you have brought them).
Grupo 9 - Conversación 2º
  • Role-play the dialogues you prepared at home: two friends talk about a trip and plan it, other two friends are at the airport, then another couple has to catch a taxi and check in at a hotel, other two have to complain about a problem at the hotel room and finally, two friends plan to go hiking and have to buy some groceries to bring with them.
  • Homework: asking and giving directions (you are at the main door of Falla school and have to go to a place, you decide where, giving directions to your classmates. They have to guess where you have brought them).
Tuesday, 5th MARCH

Grupo 4 - 2ºB

  • Student's Book page 120 and 121 (can you understand this text?)

Monday, 4th MARCH

Grupo 5 - 3ºB

  • Student's Book, page 100 

  • Homework: page 108

Grupo 2 - 1º

  • Trabajamos las preguntas con el auxiliar 'DO' y cómo responder con respuesta corta y larga:
    A - Do you read books at home?
    B - Yes I do. I read many books / No, I don't. I listen to the radio.
  • Homework: Escribir una pregunta para hacer a los compañeros usando la misma estructura que hemos seguido en clase.

 Grupo 7 - Conversación 1º

  • Respondemos oralmente a las preguntas que se mandaron a casa como tarea.
  • Vemos el vídeo 'Check-In + Asking and giving directions': VÍDEO
  • Comenzamos a trabajar las fichas 'asking and giving directions'.
  • Homework: con el mapa de la última ficha entregada en clase, indicar cómo llegar a cualquier punto de dicho mapa desde el lugar de partida (hay un círculo en el centro de la ficha que dice 'You are here'). El resto de la clase deberá adivinar a qué lugar los estáis dirigiendo. 
 Friday, 1st MARCH

Grupo 5 - 3ºB

  • Student's Book, page 99.
  • Homework page 107. Tarea voluntaria: activity 5 WRITING from page 99. 

Grupo 3 - 2ºA

  • Student's Book: page 24 and 25.
  • Homework: page 213 (2A) and page 32.